Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Residual and Leverage

These words have been on my mind and in many of my conversations the past few weeks.  I've had the opportunity to work with some committed business minded people in the Seattle area and am excited to help put the area on the map with Melaleuca.

After having done lots of appointments the last couple months, I'm figuring out that most of the people I meet with don't get one of the big points of this...they are not processing residual and leverage.  They either don't or can't imagine how different their lives would be if they took the time in 2011 to setup a livable residual income ($60k-$100k/yr for most)...and since they don't or can't imagine, this all too often comes off as a "nice" thing.

My advice for you if you are out talking with people is to STRESS residual and leverage.  Get creative....throw in an occasional awkward pause, get up and jump around...do something (whatever you feel would be appropriate but jarring enough to actually really get their attention) to cause them to sit up straight and engage with you.

If your contacts are not hearing that part loud and clear, this will just be a "nice" thing...a way to get the chemicals out of their homes...and that'll usually be about it!

Last thought.  Before they can GET IT, you must get it!  For anyone who goes and trades time for money every day (traditional job), think about what it would be like to have $800/mo...or $4500/mo or...____/mo coming in on autopilot.  How would that change your options day to day, week to week, etc?  Could you LIVE life for a change?  Yeah, think about it.  Worth working for maybe?

Monday, October 4, 2010

Not so daily lately!

A lot has happened since my last post!  We've arrived in the Seattle area just in the past few days and are settled enough to be mostly back to work.  For any of you that have connections...friends, family, enemies, etc...in the Seattle area, let's coordinate and see if I can help ya out!

I've benefited GREATLY from the Weekly Leadership Connection calls the past several weeks - they have been really amazing....or maybe I'm finally HEARING what so many leaders have been saying for years!  I'd challenge you to go get an epiphany of your own! www.weeklylc.blogspot.com

Off to a full week of appointments and leadership development here locally!
Have a great week!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Great training on presenting!

Hi all!  I have been reviewing all kinds of recordings and trainings the last couple weeks, honing my presentation and approach.  I talked with Executive Director Kent Wonnell today for a few minutes and ended up suggesting that we record his thoughts, and his verbiage throughout the presentation because he does such a great one!

So here that is - it's KILLER...be ready to take lots of notes!!

CLICK HERE for Part 1
CLICK HERE for Part 2

I hope this adds as much value to your presentation as it does mine!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Cold Market Conversation I had today...

If you have worked through your circle of influence and are expanding into the "cold market", this is for you!  One of our up and comers who attended convention with his wife last week called me this morning and we ended up canning the conversation because we both knew it would apply to several people in the group right now.  So here it is - check it out!  COLD MARKET CONVO

Remember - your perception is your reality!  My perception is that I don't have, and have never had a "cold" market.  I look to get to know people - this is all about helping others, so keep that in mind!  It's not about you!

-ask questions
-ask more questions
-listen some more



Life is too short to deliberately spend time with negative people - you CHOOSE who you spend time with!

Last thing - fail, fail often, and always fail FORWARD!  You'll be horrible, then really bad, then just kinda bad, then decent ...are you willing to work THROUGH it?  Get over yourself :)

Hope this helps!
Kristian Hoenicke

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tips for choosing a home business

If the company you are currently working with or the company you're considering meets all of these Success Factors, then you are probably on the right track!  The business my family and I have chosen has brought us over $50,000 in the last 18 months, and we used this criteria when making our decision - I hope this helps you!

FIRST...2 questions...to make sure we're all on the same page.
Would you agree that:
...most people like the idea of a home business because of the flexibility and freedom and options that come with the territory?
If yes, then would you also agree that...
...most people like the idea of owning a business because of the equity that can be accumulated, along with long term, consistent monthly residual income?

If yes again, then check out my criteria - you're probably looking for exactly what I was looking for!

1. Company Track Record - How long has the company you're considering representing been in business? What are the company's annual sales each year since in business? Does the company print average income statistics for business builders? It should and you should ask for them. Proof of long term sales, success and growth is critical with choosing any business.

2. Financially Sound - Does the company have outstanding debt? Choosing a company that is debt free provides huge advantages in this economy, and lowers your risk.

3. Strong Management Team - What are the backgrounds and credentials of the management team? I wanted to work with a company that is run with integrity and strong long term leadership.  I looked for management that was/is mission driven, versus money driven.

4. Unique Consumable Products - Are the products relevant?  Products that people actually need, use, run out of and repurchase month after month? Do they have any trademarks or patents allowing for exclusive rights - meaning no other company can copy them?

If the products are non-consumable, then brace yourself for constant selling and promoting. If the products are consumable but are the kind of thing that people don't usually buy, be prepared for a big revolving door at the base of your business.  This kind of business isn't a new idea, look at some of the 60+ years of history and you'll see what I'm talking about!

5. Unique Consumable Products - Are the products usable by everyone? Is there wide market appeal for the product line? If they are specific to a gender, age group or body size for example, that niche market can be harder to market within, and the market cap (potential) goes down.  If you must create the "need" to buy, that is done through marketing and selling, and history tells us the "need" fades and that volume goes away.

6. Competitive Prices - Are the products comparable in price or less expensive than the competition? If they aren't competitively priced, be prepared for the same revolving door effect (people leaving to go shop with the competition).

7. High Customer Reorder Rate - Does the company document and publish it's reorder rate?
 If the re-order rate is low, you will experience the treadmill effect (at best)...spending your time trying to replace builders and customers that left. Long term accumulation can only happen with a strong monthly reorder rate.  That accumulation is what will bring you a predictable, steady and secure residual income.

8. Low Initial Investment - If the cost to join or start is too high it makes for more risk and difficulty in attracting customers and business partners.  In this rough economy, the best case scenario (in my opinion) is a nominal (less than $30) initial registration fee that is fully refundable - creating a marketing opportunity to advertise NO INVESTMENT (investments can be lost - since this is fully refundable, it's not an investment!).

9. Low Monthly Requirement - If there is a high monthly requirement, customers/business builders may end up with inventory they do not need (garage qualified anyone?). If there is a low monthly product requirement, it allows for real consumers, to really buy what they really need and nothing more. Since our aim is long term residual income, it logically follows that we can't go around trying to change people's budgets and at the same time expect long term repeat business.

10. Rewards For Leadership Development - Does the company reward you for helping others in your business succeed? Are you commissions and rewards reduced as your leaders move up the ranks? If so, you'll be right back on the treadmill...indefinitely. It only makes sense to scrutinize the compensation plan and make sure you'll be rewarded for developing long term leadership in your organization.

11. Risk-Free - Is everything 100% guaranteed?  Makes for a nice pitch, make sure it's true and know what the terms and conditions are.

12. Anyone Can Be Successful - Is the business plan set up for anyone to be successful at any time? If it's a company that says "Ground floor" opportunity, or "Get in Now", beware of the hype. Aren't we tired of that crap?  If only the people who join at the beginning can be successful, then eventually people will get hurt.

Think about the people that will be at the "bottom" in your organization.  Are those people receiving ample value to continue to sit at the bottom as consumers long term?

Hope this measuring stick comes in handy for ya!
Kristian Hoenicke

Monday, August 2, 2010

Apple iPad incentive!

Have you listened to the August "First of the Month" call yet?  Log in to your Business Center and check it out or dial this number to hear the recorded call: 712-432-0420

This is the biggest incentive we've seen in 2010 and has huge mainstream appeal.  Leverage this incentive to grab momentum into the fall!!  If you missed the weekly Leadership Connection call from earlier this morning, go listen in asap - Paulette has great coaching on what to do NOW to begin leveraging this.  Get your iPad, and help a few others get theirs!  www.weeklylc.blogspot.com 

I'm earning an iPad this month and am happy to help you earn yours!  There's no time to lose - who do you know that would like to have an iPad and could get right to work with us? 

If your convention plans aren't yet finalized, get that done today. I have a tip on a hotel near the convention center that runs about $85/night, just a few rooms left last I checked - the Metropolitan Inn, dial 801-531-7100.  I'm aware of some convention tickets floating around still, at a slight discount, but we'd have to JUMP on this right away to get the transfer done with the company.

Alright...let's get to work TODAY!
Kristian Hoenicke 


Friday, July 30, 2010

What is your temperature?

Here we are, last weekend of July!  I've been thinking a lot about Convention coming right up - about 2 weeks away now.  Those of you that are newer to the team may not have even heard about it yet, and some of you that have been with us awhile haven't yet gotten off the fence about attending....hence this post!

Some of you may be thinking "well when my business is paying me more, then I'll attend" or "can't quite fit convention in the budget this year".  For your business to really take off, you must LEAD.  YOU gotta crank it up - check this out

If you are planning to succeed with Melaleuca, you MUST get to convention.  Have a yard sale this weekend, change some plans, etc, etc....if you're on the fence for this, please call me today!  What's waiting for you at convention is a series of defining moments!  You will come out the other side empowered, changed, taking leadership in your business!  Think about how amazing this Christmas CAN be!

Latest count has almost 40 of us in attendance this year.  The company is expecting approximately 14,000 total in attendance.  It's the company's 25th anniversary Convention...don't miss it!  We'd love to have you in our team picture from this event!

Haven't watched the quick movie yet?  Watch this 2 minute movie 
Realize the decision you're making here - you're choosing to go, or choosing not to go.  The decision you make will have a huge impact on the rest of your year....on what retirement looks like and how soon that is, on what your next family vacation looks like and where it is... What motivates you?  Think hard on that before you make your final decision about convention attendance and I hope to see you there!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Know anyone around town that participates

in an MLM company?

I have a few thoughts I've been meaning to post, hopefully you find this useful!

Take any (yes, ANY) MLM out there...whether it's Mona Vie, XanGo, ACN, Agel, Amway, Creative Memories, Scentsy, Avon, Evolv, FDI, Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing, Freelife, Herbalife, Isagenix, Max International, Organo Gold, Vemma, World Ventures.....and any of the other 9983 MLM/Party Plan companies that I didn't mention here.  So yeah..take any of those and check this out:

Draw a triangle

The people at the tippy top make money
The rest spend money

Is that wrong?

In my opinion, NO...that's not wrong...necessarily.

Let me explain.  If the masses (the "average" people at the "bottom" who only spend money...month after month after month (assuming they don't cancel/quit)) are receiving VALUE for their money spent up front and each month, then everything's good!  That's business!!

The problem with MLM in general is that typically the masses who are just spending, aren't receiving value.  Their budgets got messed with when they made what usually is an emotional impulse decision based on hope for their future.  The only way to come out ahead in MLM generally is to recruit others.  The inherent value in the product or service is either too low or too obscure to be appealing to the masses long term.

The classic MLM business model is fatally flawed - it's not sustainable primarily because the masses aren't receiving real value for their dollars spent.

So check out what we do in Melaleuca:

Draw a triangle

The tip makes money
The rest spend money

25 years of documentation proves that the masses are well served!  Even though most aren't making any money...even though most "fail" (yes that's arguable here, since we also document that over 50% of people enrolling with Melaleuca state that they come here just to shop...switch stores), they come back month after month, year after year out of loyalty to the brand because of the amazing value.

Cool huh?  Thoughts?

Use this basic acid test approach to any MLM person you run into!  Be kind, and cut through the marketing and hype to the bare bones bottom line.......we know for a fact that a few will make money while most only spend.  So is there real value for the masses?

Have a great Sunday afternoon!
Kristian Hoenicke

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Not so daily lately!

Been really busy!  It's late Saturday night, and half my day tomorrow is filled with webcasts and appointments.  Can't wait!  Have you done enough appointments to get that feeling?  If you would like help turning into an appointment setting machine, CALL ME...it's SO easy!  Give me 5 minutes and I'll fix you up!

Have you gotten your commitment form in to Melaleuca to be in the running for the extra $5k payout for Pacesetter Director 5?  Make sure you have 4 new personal enrollments this month also!  Any questions on that, log in to Melaleuca.com and go to your Business Center - click on this months' incentives and read up!

Last week in July comin right up...how's your month going to end?

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Have you seen Melaleuca's YouTube channel?

Some fun stuff there! I just talked with an old friend about what I'm doing here and was able to shoot him over a couple links that really showcase what we do and what we're about! Here's what I sent him:

Thanks for taking some time with me today! I know your wife does most of the shopping, and that you guys like the "green/clean" approach we have, so here's a couple links you can share with your wife. These are quick, fun little pieces that the company's put together over the years that I think she'll get a kick out of!

Melapower (our laundry soap) MELAPOWER HE

3 minutes on Melaleuca's pursuit of greener, cleaner solutions: Practical Green Solutions!

Lastly...for you...a cool recent news story at HQ in Idaho Falls: NEWS STORY

There's lots of great short clips in the channel - check it out! www.youtube.com/melaleuca

Don't get too distracted with it, but be aware it exists and you'll find uses for some of the clips here and there in your business!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Just got off the weekly leadership call...man was it good!

I just posted at the other blog I run specifically for the LC call each week. Check it out if you missed the call this morning!


Off to my first appointment of the week! Have a great week!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

What do you believe?

I believe that what we do is very important. I was helping my brother with an in-home the other day and it hit me again (it has so many times) that what we do is really meaningful. We help people get the chemicals out of their homes.

We help people earn car bonuses, all expense paid trips, and solid dependable monthly income, but that isn't all we do.

The biggest thing we do is help people dream again! We help people regain self-confidence and in many cases, purpose!

Remember this the next time you have a rough day or get discouraged...what you do matters!

I believe this is a worthy pursuit, full of real value.

What do you believe?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Killer July incentive - do you understand the numbers?!?

If you haven't yet, go listen to the "first of the month" conference call put out by the company. It outlines the details of the incentives and specials for July, and will help give you some perspective on how amazing this is. July could be your defining month!

Check this out:
If you enrolled anytime in 2010, you are still within pacesetter time frame for Director 5. If you aren't clear on your pacesetter schedule, call Business Development TODAY so you know exactly where you stand (208-522-0870). There are $1000s of extra dollars on the table for attaining this rank within your pacesetter time frame, but what happens when you pull it off?

If you're brandy new, you're looking at over $10k just for getting there! PLUS, on average, D5 is worth around $12k/yr (sitting still). So...what pushes your buttons? What's your WHY? Would $10k+$1k/mo help you accomplish that?

Is it worth it? It's up to you! Get with your enroller (and/or your enrollers' enroller) RIGHT AWAY...every day counts!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

10% of the month is gone!

My enroller reminded me of this fact in my first few months building here. Great point, and it helped me remember that EVERY day matters, and if I am to really succeed here, I must wake up every day and do this ON PURPOSE!

On that note...you've all heard Ed Bestoso's killer audio called "Doing it on Purpose" right? If you haven't, you can find it here: (first audio) click here The company also makes this available in CD form, item number 7447 which is great to have on hand for ambitious new team members!

So...July 3rd is coming to an end, and 10% of this great month is already over! What will you do with the remaining 90%?

Happy 4th everyone! With the $5k incentive on the table, do you have a plan to get that $$? Get with your enroller (or your enrollers' enroller) to line out that plan and capitalize on all that extra dough!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

First of the month habit!

Good morning! It's July 1st and I have an important calendar item for you all today! Every first-of-the-month, Melaleuca makes a big announcement and has the announcement call recorded and available for us in our Business Center. It's a great habit to establish and teach to log in every new month and get yourself up to speed right away on the new info/incentives.

I'm not going to give away the info here, go check out your Business Center right away!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

New/updated Google Groups (for better communication)

Hey Team!

I've just cleaned up and revised an old Google Groups account I have to make all our team communication easier all around. You'll have your own controls on your end (check that out in your Google settings, cool stuff), and I'll not run into the ceiling all the time on how many emails I can send per day/week, etc. (There are 400+ of us now, so when I send a single message, it's to hundreds of email addresses!)

This tool will be really nice as you grow your team also - all you need to do to make sure anyone new to your group is on our team list is to have them send a blank email to: melateam+subscribe@googlegroups.com (you should do that right now to get yourself on the list).

Alright - don't spend much time on this right now, we have less than 36 hours left in June and the $1 deal! Let me know if/how I can help! I will be announcing a webcast for 9am PDT Wednesday morning shortly as well!

Make it a great afternoon!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Let's give this a whirl

Hi all!

I'm excited to get another blog going and hope this proves to be really helpful in advancing your business, helping you socialize with others on the team, getting as many of us to convention (Aug 12-14) as possible, and more!!

Some of you have heard about an approach I learned from brand new D2 Ian Liddle up in Seattle. Super simple, perfect for newbies...perfect for cranking out new Directors left and right! I've done an audio to take you through the basics, and will likely do a followup audio (or two) to help get you in the drivers' seat with this one.

The angle is AMAZING...let me know what you think of the audio, and the idea please! Like I say at the end of the audio...if you'd like a hand getting this approach going in your team, call/text/email me!

16 Minutes...click here to listen!

Please feel free to comment and I look forward to hearing your feedback and more importantly, WORKING with you!