Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Killer July incentive - do you understand the numbers?!?

If you haven't yet, go listen to the "first of the month" conference call put out by the company. It outlines the details of the incentives and specials for July, and will help give you some perspective on how amazing this is. July could be your defining month!

Check this out:
If you enrolled anytime in 2010, you are still within pacesetter time frame for Director 5. If you aren't clear on your pacesetter schedule, call Business Development TODAY so you know exactly where you stand (208-522-0870). There are $1000s of extra dollars on the table for attaining this rank within your pacesetter time frame, but what happens when you pull it off?

If you're brandy new, you're looking at over $10k just for getting there! PLUS, on average, D5 is worth around $12k/yr (sitting still). So...what pushes your buttons? What's your WHY? Would $10k+$1k/mo help you accomplish that?

Is it worth it? It's up to you! Get with your enroller (and/or your enrollers' enroller) RIGHT AWAY...every day counts!


  1. Howdy, Howdy!

    This is a great idea. Hopefully once we are signed up, when a new blog post is made, we will be alerted via email. Then we will run over hear and read the Latest and Greatest in All Things Melaleuca and our Mela Team.

    Thnaks to Kristian, our Team Leader.

    (Question: Who is the guy next to the name "Kristian Hoenicke" on the right side of your blog? )

    StarShipp Captain

  2. I hope that's how this works too - maybe you can let me know! Still figuring this out! That's a funny pic of me with one of my sisters :)
